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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Essay 3


Free sample essay on If I Were a Millionaire. Money has been the greatest attraction for the people for ages. How much wealth and property we may have, we are never satiate. If we have million, we desire for billion.

There is hardly anyone in this world who might be satiated with his achievements. This struggle for more and more continues till the last breath of life. This is true to all irrespective of his caste, creed, community and qualification. In fact, this ambition acts as a catalyst in a man’s life to take him to the peak of success.

First of all, I would spend a big portion of the money to have all the luxuries of life. I have great attraction for a luxurious life since my childhood. I shall purchase a big car to have a round of the world. I have a great desire to take flight to different corners of the world. I shall visit great tourist spots along with my parents. I am a shopaholic. I am immensely attracted towards the electronic gadgets. I will do enough shopping for myself and my friends and other family members.

I will spend the whole money for the welfare of these people. I will open schools in remotely backward areas. I will make arrangement to ensure the availability of drinking water for those it is a rare commodity. I shall open up dispensaries. I will hire good qualified doctors to make good medical treatment available to them. The dispensaries will be well- equipped with latest medical technologies. I will open homes for shelter less. Unemployment is a big problem in villages. I will provide financial help to the employed so that they may start their own business. I shall open up schools in villages.

Though the government is doing a lot in this field. But still much remain to be done. My efforts will be a small contribution in this regard. It will give me an inner pleasure. This pleasure is far more satisfying than those which we buy with money.

Essay 2


Childhood is the happiest time of the person life. When ever we think back some of the good and some of the not so good memories we recall. But still we say that we never feel older when ever recall our childhood memories. As the tom Stoppard said

“if you carry your childhood with you, you never become older”

When you are a child you don’t have many responsibilities. Children depend on their parents who make decision for them, and on adult we are packed with packages of problems and many other responsibilities. That’s why when most of the people think back to the time when they just have to think of school home work, put away their toys or if they will be invited to a birthday party or not, they remember that time of their life to be a very happy and unstressfull time.

I still remember some of the wonderful memories when I was young. One of the most important event I remember in my life was the day I celebrate my first birthday. It was the 7-july-2002. We invited a small crowd of family and friends to our home for a birthday party and cook out. The most important thing was what king of cake to get. The cake was a half of a sheet, which was able to feed up to 50 people. It was made with fresh strawberries that tasted like they were picked right from the patch as a filling, surrounded with butter cream icing. My parents graciously volunteered to do the preparation of the food for the party; I get overall 25 gifts and 8 covers from the invited person. This was the day I enjoyed a lot and this become my one of the most wonderful memory of my childhood.

In conclusion, I think childhood is the happiest time of our life because when you are child you get excited about everything you learn around you and finally don’t have to worry about take decisions and have fewer responsibilities compared to an adult.

UNIT 12 - VNBook

Freak - Hailstorm
Heavy - Rain
Minor - Earthquake
Flash - Flood
Catastrophic - Thunder
A building was struck by lightning.
Electrical power was disrupted by an ice storm yesterday.
Two people were severely injured.
The village was struck by hailstones.
Freak accident - Томоохон осол
Heavy traffic - Замын түгжрээ
Major earthquake - Хүчтэй газар хөдлөлт
Minor injuries - Бага шиг шарх, хөнгөн гэмтэл

UNIT 12 - NWords

  1. Orient-Дээд зэргийн сувд
  2. Thunderstorm-
  3. Hurricane-Хар салхи
  4. Ware house-Тодорхойлох
  5. Partially-Хэсэгчлэн
  6. Progressive-Давшилттай , дэвших
  7. Entirely-Бүрэн дүүрэн
  8. Wind-Салхи
  9. Semiconductor-Хагас дамжуулагч
  10. Daily-Өдөр тутмын
  11. Snake-Могой
  12. Ring-Цагираг, бөгж
  13. Syllable-Үе , өчүүхэн жижиг хэсэг
  14. Heavy rain-Хүчтэй ширүүн
  15. Roughly-Бүдүүлгээр
  16. Disrupt-Саад болох
  17. To identify-Маш ихээр
  18. Hailstorm-Ширүүн мөндөр
  19. Founder-Байгуулагч, үндэслэгч
  20. Approximately-Ойролцоогоор
  21. Stolen-Хулгайлах
  22. Vastly-Маш их
  23. Legion-Олон тоо
  24. Contribution-Хувь нэмэр
  25. Essentially-Үнэн хэрэгтээ
  26. Far-Хол
  27. Typically-Ер нь
  28. Earthquake-Газар хөдлөлт
  29. Environment-Орчин тойрон
  30. Presence-Бэлэн байх

UNIT 11 - VNBook

You're in class. You've finished your work and there's nothing else to do.
I'd probably feel bored
You are waiting for a friend at a restaurant, and the friend calls to say he or she can't meet you.
I think i'd be annoyed
A friend borrowed some of your CD s and returned them scratched.
I'd feel disappointed
You're on a dark and quiet street and someone is following you.
I'd feel scared

I feel very motivated to practice my english when I'm in class.
I think it's annoying when you've waiting someone but she doesn't come.
I was really shocked when my classmate is pregnant.
Sometimes I get frustrateed when my girl friend talking about someone else.
I think it's embarrassing when you can't tell about you like most.
Sometimes I get confused when I calculating mathematic or chemistry.

I was so astonished that I couldn't take my eyes off it.
It was very upsetting to see her cry.
I'm terrified of the night.
I was very thrilled when I realized that I could do what I ahvae always wanted to do.

UNIT 11 - NWords

  1. Proud-Бахархах
  2. Perform-Гүйцэтгэх
  3. Ceremony-Ёс , зан үйл
  4. Somehow-Яагаад ч юм
  5. Unusual-Ер бусын
  6. Impact-Нөлөө
  7. Slouched-Бөхийх
  8. Vacation-Амралт
  9. Anxious-Санаа зовсон
  10. Successful-Амжилттай
  11. Athlete-Тамирчин
  12. Opinion-Үзэл бодол 
  13. Astonish-Гайхшруулах
  14. Confuse-Будилах
  15. Donation-Хандив
  16. Discreetly-Болгоомжлон
  17. Junior-Бага хүү
  18. Gown-Палааж
  19. Reaction-Урвал нөлөө
  20. Explain-Тайлбарлах
  21. Slouch-Болхи
  22. Avenue-Өргөн чөлөө
  23. Middle-Гол бэлхүүс
  24. Nervous-Тэвдсэн
  25. Freshman-Шинэ хүн
  26. Motivate-Зоригжуулах
  27. Mainly-Голдуу, ихэнхдээ
  28. Everyone-Хүн бүр
  29. Packet-Уут
  30. Funding-Санхүүжилт

UNIT 10 - VNBook

An animated film - Funny bunny
A triller - The spy who got away
A musical - Singing in the street
A romantic comedy - Loving you forever
A science - fiction movie - 2096: Living on mars

UNIT 10 - NWords

  1. Sensuous-Мэдрэмтгий
  2. Ahead-Ирээдүйн
  3. Phase-Үе шат
  4. Reunion-Нэгдэл , цугларах
  5. Hang-Чимэх
  6. Alien-Харийн хүн
  7. Solo-Гоцлол
  8. Gentler-Нөхөрсөг
  9. Scene-Тайз
  10. Costume-Хувцасны хэв маяг
  11. Scary-Аймар
  12. Catch-Оньс
  13. Since-Тэр үеэс хойш , сүүлд болсон
  14. Grab-Байлдан дагуулалт
  15. Serious-Бодолтой
  16. Recently-Сүүлийн үед
  17. Pottery-Вааран эдлэл
  18. Vase-Сав
  19. Information-Мэдээлэл
  20. Monster-Мангас
  21. Correct-Засах
  22. Violent-Дийлдэшгүй
  23. Stunt-Өсөлт зогсох
  24. Treat-Сэтгэл ханах
  25. Signature-Гарын үсэг
  26. Occasional-Хааяа , тохиолдлын
  27. Comedy-Инээдмийн
  28. Fall in love-Хэн нэгэнд дурлах
  29. Bowl-Аяга , таваг
  30. Fall-Унах

UNIT 9 - VNBook

A: The music’s too loud.
B: I’ll turn it down.
A: I dunno what to do with these boxes. 
B: You can put them away in the closet.
A: What does this word mean ?
B: I’ll look it up.
A: I need a copy of that document. 
B: I’ll print it out.
A: I can’t hear the radio. 
B:I’ll turn it up.
A: I’m allergic to these earrings.
B: Then I’d take them off.
A: Could you pick me up next weekend ?
B: Sure . What time should I pick you up ?
A: I like this shirt , but does it look good ?
B: It’s a nice color . Why don’t you try it on ?
A:This shirt doesn't fit me , What should I do ?
B:If you have the receipt , take it back to store.
A: Hi Liza it’s me Sarah . Are you free now ?
B:Actually , I’m late for work . Can I call you back tonight ?
A:I can’t mix it . It’s not making a fusion.
B:I’ll show you how to put it together.

UNIT 9 - NWords

  1. Convenience-Тав тух , ашиг сонирхол
  2. Ridiculous-Шог
  3. Snatch-Шүүрэх
  4. Victim-Хохирогч
  5. Purchase-Худалдаж авах
  6. Telescope-Телескоп
  7. Protection-Хамгаалалт
  8. Permission-Зөвшөөрөл
  9. Support-Дэмжлэг
  10. Battery-Зай , цэнэг хураагуур
  11. Remember-Санах , цээжлэх 
  12. Temporary-түр зуурын
  13. Awful-аймшигтай, балиар, муухай
  14. Common-Энгийн
  15. Instruction-Заавар
  16. Remote-Удирдлага
  17. Solution-Шийдэл
  18. Separable-Aнгид, тусдаа
  19. Identification-Тогтоох , илрүүлэх
  20. Distance-Хөндий байдал , зай
  21. Garbage-Хог
  22. Unauthorized-Зөвшөөрөлгүй
  23. Sensitive-Мэдрэмтгий
  24. Criminal-Гэмт
  25. Blind-Нууцлаг
  26. Conduct-Зан авир , харьцаа
  27. Discard-Татгалзах
  28. Suspicious-Сэжигтэй
  29. Shred-Өөдөс , өчүүхэн хэсэг
  30. Pilfer-Cуйлах, хулгайлах

UNIT 8 - VNBook

1. I wouldn't worry for it. People usually forget about things like that.
2. I'd apologize immediately about forgetting the date.
3. I'd offer to pay dinner about another time.
4. I'd tell her I was thinking about other things.
5. I wouldn't speak her about until she was less upset.
6. I'd blame my boss keeping me about in a meeting at work.
7. I'd wait her to finish and then I'd reming her about the time she didn't meet me.
1. I agreed to my boss about the best solution.
2. He applied about a job with software company.
3. I explained the problem to my boss.
4. I forgive my friend for losing my CD.
5. My neighbor invited me to a party last week.
6. We complained to the neighbors about noise.
7. My parents blamed me for damaging their car.

UNIT 8 - NWords

  1. Apologize-Хүлцэл өчих
  2. Prepositions-Угтвар үг
  3. Loan-Зээл
  4. Situations-Нөхцөл байдал
  5. Afford-Чадал хүрэх, боломжгүй байх
  6. Attention-Анхаарал
  7. Intonation-Өргөлт
  8. Expect-Хүлээх , найдах
  9. Frequent-Ердийн, олон давтагддаг
  10. Statement-Тунхаглал, мэдэгдэл
  11. Affirmative-Боломжтой нааштай
  12. Awesome-Гайхалтай
  13. Impossible-Боломжгүй
  14. Midnight-Шөнө дундын үе
  15. Activity-Үйл ажиллагаа
  16. Raincoat-Борооны цув
  17. Junk-Xэрчим
  18. Apartment-орон сууц, нийтийн байр
  19. Renting-Түрээслүүлэх
  20. Stuff-Эд зүйл
  21. Holiday-Амралт
  22. Choose-Сонгох
  23. Imaginary-бодит бус, хий санааны
  24. Promotion-сайшаал, хэргэм цол ахих
  25. Commute-Солих
  26. Teapot-Завьяа
  27. Limber up-Бие халаах
  28. Dilemma-Мухардах, твөгтэй байдалд орох
  29. Blame-Зэмлэх
  30. Sanely-Ухаалгаар, эрүүл

UNIT 7 - VNBook

1. go/ move / hang       away
2. wake / eat / work     out
3. come / break / get    back
4. wake / go / come      over
5. sign / grow / sleep    up
6. fall / eat / settle         down

-wake up in the morning
-break up with your boyfriend
-sign up without in alarm clock
-grow up in small town
-sign up for a class
-go out with your friends
-go out late
-go out to a club
-eat out a nice restaurant
-work out at the gym

away                 back                 down                 out                  up
go                     come                 put                    work               turn
throw                go                     settle                 go                    make
move                bring                 fall                    get                   get

UNIT 7 - NWords

  1. Planned-Төлөвлөгөө
  2. Problem-Асуудал
  3. Organize-Зохион байгуулах
  4. Once-Дахин
  5. Information-Мэдээлэл
  6. Underline-Доогуур нь зурах
  7. Article-Өгүүлэл
  8. Across-Нэвт
  9. Clauses-Өгүүлбэр
  10. Crowd-Бөөн хүн
  11. Circle-Тойрог , дугуй
  12. Convenient-Тохиромжтой , тухтай
  13. Totally-Бүрэн гүйцэд , бүхий л 
  14. Trust-Итгэл , итгэмжлэл
  15. Another-Өөр , өөр төрлийн
  16. Introduced-Танилцуулах , танилцуулсан
  17. Get back-Буцааж авах , эргэж ирэх
  18. Explain-Тайлбарлах
  19. Get along-Амжилт гаргах
  20. Whether-Юу ч болсон гэсэн
  21. Reunion-Нэгдэл , цугларах
  22. Instructor-Удирдамж
  23. Freak-Хачин гажууд
  24. Subscribers-Хэрэглэгч , захиалагч
  25. Immediately-Яаралтайхан , шуудхан
  26. Notice-Мэдэгдэл
  27. Break up-Тараах
  28. Newly-Дахин
  29. Rare-Цөөрсөн
  30. Regular-Тогтмол , ердийн

UNIT 6 - VNBook

I'm going to try to make a good impression on my new boss. Iwant her to have a good opinion of me. 2. I'd like to do something useful in life. I want to do my best in people's lives. 3. I can't make up my mind. If i want to by an MP3 player. I can't  decide if I need one. 4. I find exams very stressful, but I always make a difference. I try very hard to do well.
Make a decision(to do something) - Must make a decision to my shoes. I think Jordan is better. 2. Do some thinking(about something) - I'm going to do something on cooking. 3. Make fun of someone - My father always makes fun of someone. 4. Do volunteer work - My friend doing volunteer work every weekend. He ssayas the was happy because of that. 5. make an effort(to do something) - I'm going to make an effort to my teacher.
Changes - make2 a mess - do 3. a dream - dream 4. progress - make5 a suggestion - make 5. a suggestion - make 6. plans - make 7. a favor - wish

UNIT 6 - NWords

  1. Decision-Шийдэмгий 
  2. Fixed-Өөрчлөгдөшгүй
  3. Schedules-Хуваарь
  4. Situation-Нөхцөл байдал
  5. Specific-Тодорхой , бодит
  6. Volunteer-Сайн дурын
  7. Donate-Хандивлах
  8. Period-Хэлбэлзлийн үе
  9. Recycle-Эргэлдэх
  10. Provided-Тохиолдолд
  11. Special-Онцгой
  12. Costume-костьюм
  13. Catch-Оньс
  14. Plan-Төлөвлөгөө
  15. Afterwards-Хожуу , хожим
  16. Fabulous-Аятайхан 
  17. Reservation-Урьдчилсан захиалга
  18. Apartment-Орон сууц
  19. Prediction-Таамаглал , зөгнөх
  20. Appointment-Албан тушаал
  21. Nervous-Мэдрэлийн
  22. Impression-Сэтгэгдэл
  23. Promotion-Урамшуулал
  24. Instructor-Удирдамж
  25. Excuse-Тайлбар өгөх
  26. Expressions-Илэрхийлэл
  27. Above-Өмнө хэлсэн
  28. Parentheses-Бага хаалт
  29. Clutter-Үймээн самуун
  30. Label-Хаяг

UNIT 5 - VNBook

   a. fried                                     b. barbecued
       pickled  => onions                   steamed    => rice
       smoked                                     fried
       raw                                           boiled
   c. stir - fried                             d. smoked
       spicy        => noodles               fresh     => fruit
       boiled                                        canned
       pickled                                      dried

Least  favorite - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =>> favourite
 stir fried
red peppers

whole         eggs       sweet and sour   shrimp      dark   chocolate     whole wheat bread
scrambled  milk       creamed             spinach     mashed potatoes    grated cheese

UNIT 5 - NWords

  1. Carbohydrates-Нүүрс ус
  2. Prepared-Бэлэн , бэлтгэлтэй
  3. Filling-Дүүргэх
  4. Pickled-Давсалсан
  5. Stomachache-Гэдэс
  6. During-Хугацаанд , турш
  7. Decide-Шийдэх
  8. Vegetarian-Ургамлын
  9. Chopped-Цавчмал
  10. Throughout-Бүхэлд нь
  11. Mixture-Хольц
  12. Chickpeas-Тахиа
  13. Pattу-Котлет , хавтгай чихэр
  14. Heating-Халаах
  15. Invention-Зохион бүтээх
  16. Crackers-Задлагч
  17. Lemonade-Нимбэгийн шүүс
  18. Butter-Цөцгийн тос
  19. Snacks-зууш
  20. Brainstorm-Хамтаар хэлэлцэх
  21. Quack-Чалчих
  22. Skim-Өрөм
  23. Nowadays-Ойрын өдөр 
  24. Appetizer-Зууш
  25. Refrigerator-Хөргөгч
  26. Slices-Хэрчим
  27. Stuff-Эд зүйл
  28. Quantitу-Тоо хэмжээ
  29. Probably-Магадгүй
  30. Improve-Өсөн нэмэгдэх

UNIT 4 - VNBook

    My father

-Was interested in play a basketball.
-Used to drink cola.
-Had a moustache and curly hair.
-Used to wear coat.
-Always listened to publish voice.

My grandmother

-Was interested in watch TV.
-Used to drink green tea.
-Had brown hair and tall.
-Used to wear dress.
-Always listened to radio.

 My grandfather

-Was interested in old car.
-used to drink milk.
-Had black hair and a moustache.
-Used to wear jacket.
-Always listened to radio.

 My mother

-Was interested in read a book.
-Used to drink orange juice.
-Had short hair and tall.
-Used to wear T-shirt.
-Always listened to jazz music.

UNIT 4 - NWord

  1. Pressure-Дарамт , Шахалт
  2. Instead-Оронд
  3. Irritating-Залхмаар , уур хүрмээр
  4. Backseat-Ар талын суудал
  5. Tease-Гоочлох , тоглоом хийх
  6. Gigantic-Аварга , агуу том
  7. Compare-Харьцуулах , жишэх
  8. Definitely-Тодорхой , илэрхий 
  9. Grab-Байлдан дагуулалт
  10. Influence-Нөлөө
  11. Article-Хэлэлцээр , заалт
  12. Might-Эрч хүч
  13. Hurt-Хор хөнөөл , гэмтэл 
  14. Implement-Хэрэгсэл , багаж хэрэгсэл
  15. Otherwise-Ондоо , бусад
  16. Whoever-Хэн ч байсан , ямар хүн
  17. Inevitably-Зайлшгүй
  18. Frustrated-Сэтгэл санаагаар унасан
  19. Sidewalk-Явган хүний зам , хажуугийн зам
  20. Opinion-Үзэл бодол
  21. Heard-Сонссон
  22. Statement-Тунхаглал , мэдэгдэл
  23. Safety-Хамгаалал , аюулгүй байдал
  24. Device-Төхөөрөмж
  25. Inside-Дотоод орон зай