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Saturday, February 14, 2015


There has a lot of famous entertainers and athlete around the world If I could meet one of them, I would choose the one singer whose name is Celine Dion. I have reasons why I really want to meet her.

     First of all, her life is very excitement for everyone and she can give huge energy to live by her life history. She is French and when she was a child, she moved to America. Her life wasn't easy because of that movement and then she had an I'll ness which is happened for girls. After she decided attacking her I'll ness  she could do it. It gives me energy to get ever my hurt.

     Second, Her voice, her songs and her attitude are amazing. Everyone can feel songs are coming from her heart when they listen it. All of her songs have their own meaning. Further more, you could understand what she is aiming for felling you, her songs inspire me.

     Third, her life and her family. Most of singers and actors can't make good family. In my opinion, They must be the people who give good msg for their fans. Bur they can't do it. Where as Celine Dion's family is great and when you explore her life, you will surprise how she made built all of them by her hand.

     To sum up, those reasons make me proud of Celine Dion and she is one of greatest woman in the world.  

Sunday, February 8, 2015

VOCABULARY notebook 1

                                      UNIT 1 "Happy or Sad"

Learning opposite meanings

    exercise 1:    
  • My father drives really well .(badly)
  • My best friend can be very kind. (mean)
  • My boss is an extremely polity person. (rude)
  • I was pretty unhappy in school. (happy)

   exercise 2: 
  •  I have a pretty loud voice.(quiet
  • My mother is extremely demanding.(reckless
  • I'm usually late for appointments.(at the behind)
  • My brother eats very quickly.(slowly)
  • I think English is difficult.(easy)
  • My sister and I have similar tastes.(dissimilar)   
      exercice 3:
  • He;s patient.(impatient)
  • She's honest.(dishonest)
  • He's friendly.(unfriendly)
  • They're organized.(disorganized)
  • He looks healthy.(unhealthy)
  • She;s reliable.(unreliable)
  • She;s considerate(inconsiderate)

On my own
  1. My mother is a workaholic. She is always working. She comes home late. She's so helpfull and generous. She's totally honest. She always tells the truth.
  2. My sister is smart. She's incredibly talented and creative. She loves music and dance. She's always doing things for other people. She's not selfish at all. She's always singing and whistling.
  3. My friend is really funny. She's always telling jokes. She's pretty disorganized. She's always losing things. But she's completely honest with me. I can trust her.


                                               UNIT 1

  1. to attend-халамжлах
  2. admire-бишрэх, бахдах
  3. assignment-даалгавар, үүрэг
  4. argue-маргах
  5. allergic-харшилтай
  6. almost-adv.бараг adj.жинхэнэ бодитой
  7. arrogant-их зантай, онгироо
  8. at least- наад зах нь
  9. apologize-уучлал гуйх
  10. accomplished-дадлагатай, туршлагатай
  11. appointments-болзоо, албан тушаал
  12. appropriate-зохистой
  13. basically-үнэн хэрэгтэй
  14. bring-ятгах, итгүүлэх
  15. complain-гомдол мэдүүлэх, нөлөөлөх
  16. counter-дүрэм зөрчих, сөргөх
  17. careful-анхааралтай, болгоомжтой
  18. casual-тохиолдлын, санамсаргүй
  19. competitive-өрсөлдөх чадвартай, хор шартай
  20. creative-бүтээлч
  21. completely- бүрэн , бүрэн дүүрэн
  22. cheat-худалч, луйварчин
  23. to considerate-эелдэг
  24. deadline-сүүлийн хугацаа
  25. discuss-хэлэлцэх
  26. demand-нэхэн шаардах
  27. easygoing-хэнэггүй
  28. expect-санах, хүлээх
  29. expressions-үг хэллэг
  30. encouraging-дэмжсэн, сайшаасан
  31. fairly-шударга
  32. gum-бохь, буйл
  33. get along- хэл амаа ололцдог
  34. honk-чагнаалдах
  35. humble-ичимхий
  36. impatient-тэвчээргүй
  37. interrupt-яриа таслах
  38. immediate-агшин зуурын
  39. incredibly-итгэмээргүй байдлаар
  40. impeccable-гэм зэмгүй, нүгэлгүй
  41. laid-back-тайван
  42. modest-даруухан, хүлээцтэй
  43. mean-adj. харамч
  44. outgoing-нийтэч
  45. pilot-удирдагч,залуурч
  46. plan-төлөвлөгөө
  47. proper-зохистой, таарсан
  48. pretty-adv.нилээд
  49. quiz-хошигнол, тохуурхал
  50. reckless-болгоомжгүй
  51. rude-бүдүүлэг
  52. reliable-найдвартай
  53. safe-аюулгүй
  54. slang-этгээд үг
  55. sense of humor-хошин шогийн мэдрэмжтэй
  56. steal-хулгайн юм
  57. stuff-эд зүйл
  58. skip-алгасах
  59. supportive-түшсэн, тулсан
  60. skillful-авьяаслаг
  61. similar-төсөөтэй
  62. terrible-аймшигтай
  63. though-гэвч, боловч
  64. try hard-хичээх мэрийх
  65. truth-чин үнэн
  66. to throw-явуулах, илгээх
  67. unpleasant-онцгүй, тааламжгүй
  68. versatile-олон талын
  69. wild-замбараагүй
  70. workaholic-ажлын хэнээтэй